Tuesday, April 9, 2019

10 Things I Learned in Currins 510

(A Buzzfeed-esque Multi-Modal Composition)
Going into this class, I was kinda like 
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But in Currins 510, I learned all of this!

1.      Don’t yell at your students.
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The best classroom management strategy is to stay calm and stick to your rules. Yelling at students only shows them that you are not in control of your emotions. 

2.      Always be yourself.

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Students know when you're putting on an act. Be yourself in the classroom, and they will respect you so much more.

3.      Put your social media on private.
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Students WILL look you up online, and they WILL share embarrassing pictures of you. Lock those accounts down!!

4.      Braille textbooks cost upwards of $10,000.
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College Textbooks don't seem too expensive now. Enough said.

5.      Student teaching is stressful, but rewarding.

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It's hard to balance being a student, being a teacher, and (likely) having another job. You'll be tired, but you'll learn so much.

6.      There has to be mutual respect between you and your students.

Students expect to be given the same respect that teachers expect from them. This goes a long way in classroom management and classroom climate.

7.      You might get accused of witchcraft if you teach The Crucible.

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There will always be someone who questions why you chose to teach a certain text. Have your answers prepared ahead of time.

8.      You don’t have to assign homework every night (or ever really…).
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There are plenty of ways to have students get all of their work done in class instead of doing it at home!

9.      Don’t forget about all of the resources available at your school!
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You are not alone! Reach out to other teachers and the support staff if you need help or are feeling stressed!

10.   The climate you create in your classroom is more important than the content you teach.
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Students won't remember all of the content that you taught them, but they will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel and how you treated them in your classroom. 

-Written by Annie Kukla; all photos taken from Google images. I hope this falls under Fair Use. 

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